
I was asked a very important question a few days ago by a fellow aesthetician in regards to "what are my thoughts when it comes to nose waxing". I knew the reason why she was asking this question. If some of you are not sure...

Never double dip!  By this I mean that if you have stuck the spatula into the wax pot, then applied it to the area/skin to be waxed, the stick should be thrown away in the trash can immediately. Imagine waxing every client with just one stick and...

Ingrown hairs are very common in the bikini area.  They are generally caused by incorrect waxing, or shaving.  They are also caused by wearing very tight, synthetic underwear or tight jeans following a wax.  When the skin isn’t allowed to breathe it sweats and bacteria...

As we enter the room and our client is lying there with the towel over him or her, clean and wiped down from the baby wipes -- we then put on our latex gloves. We do not remove the towel, take a peek, and then...